Mail Alert is a free e-mail alert add-in for Microsoft Outlook 2000 / XP / 2003.
Reclaim Your Productivity
E-Mail slowing you down? Try Mail Alert. Mail Alert was designed with your productivity in mind. That's why we've made it easier for you to simply get your work done without the hassle of switching to your e-mail client every time you receive new mail.
When new e-mail arrives, Mail Alert will display a non-intrusive desktop alert containing essential information from the e-mail received. Now you can avoid the constant shuffle between work and e-mail, thus boosting your productivity.
Want to reply to the incoming e-mail? No need to stop working and switch to your e-mail application; Mail Alert provides the most common actions directly from the desktop alert, such as reply, mark as read and delete.
Take Back Control
With Mail Alert, you control how desktop alerts are displayed. You can choose how many alerts are shown at once, and how long before each alert is dismissed. You also have the option of selecting desktop alerts for all incoming e-mail or only for those delivered to folders you specify, unlike in Outlook 2003 which only allows desktop alerts for your Inbox. Mail Alert also works in conjunction with Outlook rules, giving you, the user, maximum flexibility.
Want desktop alerts that match your Windows theme? Mail Alert fits your personal style and needs by giving you full control over the color, font and transparency of the alert windows.
English isn't your preferred language? Mail Alert currently supports English, Dutch, Spanish and Catalan. It can also be translated into the language of your choice.